There's Gold In Them Hills!
Magazine Articles
Here is a few Articles I wrote and was published in magazines about some of the adventures throughout my career. Just click on the links to read the articles. Check back for more Great Articles from Digger Bob!
There's GOLD in Them Hills!
Find Bedrock Gold! (Lake Oroville Spillway)
By Bob Van Camp (aka "Digger Bob")
"Just look at all that new, beautiful bedrock exposed there! There are nuggets embedded in that rock, I just know it! Fifty feet off dirt has been washed away that's been covering i for millions of years, and the old-timers never touched it!"
click on the link to read more about Bedrock Gold!
The Million Dollar Day
An incredible cache of 2,700 gold coins was found in a berry patch!
Around Thanksgiving 1995, I got a call from an investigator from the local district attorney's office. She had gotten my name from another investigator who had used my services earlier to help search for a murder weapon.
She wanted to know if I was interested in assisting the county again in their efforts to solve another case.
Braggin Rights
I couldn't believe it! It couldn't be one solid piece! It must be a couple of small pieces stuck to conglomerate. I rubbed it harder all over. Here and there little spots of yellow showed through. It was! It was one big, solid gold nugget --my first one over a penny weight.
The One That Got Away
"A fortune in gold found and then lost again!" How many times have we read that line in old treasure stories? And how many of us have said to ourselves, "If I'd found that, I certainly wouldn't have lost it!"
Find out exactly what happened, and what would you have done?
click on the link to read more about The One That Got Away!
Treasure Hunter Hits Gold Coin Bonanza! A Dream Come True!
Every treasure hunter dreams of the day he find a truly valuable cache. And while very few people ever talk about it when they do hit big, we all know that nearly every day of the year somewhere in the world some lucky treasure hunter is digging the gold!
click on the link to read more about A Dream Come True!
The Butte Nugget
It's not every day that a gold prospectoer finds a six-pound gold nugget with this metal detector, but as Digger Bob can attest, it does happen.
click on the link to read more about The Butte Nuggett